
Generosity and discipleship go hand in hand.

God is, by nature, a God who gives – we are enriched by the gifts God has given to us, and are invited to respond through gratitude and grace. As beings made in the image of God, generosity is in our nature as well, and so as we express our love through giving we grow in the likeness of Christ. We are blessed so that we may be a blessing to others, giving of ourselves through an outpouring of love.

The end point of all our giving is that it enables mission in our church – at St. Luke’s church we are delighted to be able to serve our community in many ways, offering opportunities for people to encounter God’s love.

Our journey of generosity as a Christian community is in exploring what it means to be a generous church, growing in discipleship together as we enable the mission to which we are called.

What is the Parish Giving Scheme?

PGS – Secure and Simple Method of giving

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Regular Giving

Parish Giving Scheme

Regular, planned giving is a commitment to our church grounded in faith, allowing our PCC to plan effectively, and enables mission to be budgeted based on a known income. Here at St. Luke’s church, the best way to give regularly is through the Parish Giving Scheme.

To find out more, and to give regularly through the Parish Giving Scheme, simply visit the PGS website by clicking here, or phone 0333 002 1271 and quote our PGS Parish Code 350635061.

If you would like some more information about regular giving, including other ways to give regularly, please contact our treasurer,

Thank you for all you are able to give. Your generosity enables us to be Christ in our community.