WARNING! Some may think this subject is being discussed too early! 😊
So, here we are mid-November. I don’t know about you but usually by now our cupboards are starting to feel the strain.
Starting to bulge with the impromptu present I just happened to spot on the High Street. Food cupboards feeling the stress of extra goodies, bought with a desire that the person who is at a loose end will accept an offer of hospitality.
The boxes of decorations ready to be thrown into action!
However, this year many seem to be in a strange limbo – living a sort of half-life.
Now, especially with Christmas coming ever closer there is a feeling of apprehension in the air and that question ‘What will Christmas 2020 really look like’.
There’s the theme of the ‘new normal’ things that have been added or taken away to life as it was before. Hopefully many good things have and will continue to be introduced, to change society for the benefit of all.
Some, who through these last almost eight months life has changed in such a way that it will never be the same again. There is an enforced new normal.
Some, struggling to make ends meet or wrestling with the effects of change, isolation and separation. We don’t know fully what individuals are going through.
There’s something out there in the streets a longing rising up for something ‘normal’.
Christmas is the perfect time; we need to seize the day and grasp every opportunity that presents itself to us.
Hope came and is coming to earth – so let’s Celebrate and make it as big and bright as can be possible.
There are many things that can’t be done in these circumstances. However, we can change the atmosphere with a call, a smile, an email, a wave….
We can get those decorations up and shine a light into the community. A light that may somehow in some way draw people to Jesus – giving them HOPE!
‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.’ Isaiah 9:2
Look for the Blessing in every day, they are always there, I think we sometimes just miss them.
Be thankful on every occasion, ‘Tread Lightly, and Be Kind’.