There are different kinds of gifts and the same Spirit distributes them.
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
In his letter to the young church at Corinth Paul reminds the people, that the same Spirit is at work in all strands of ministry. He points out that there are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
We might like to consider what that means for us!
I think we should quietly notice the way we are with one another as well as responding to what they do. We need to recognise that the Spirit is at work in the kindness of the coffeemakers, the people who keep the fabric of the church building in order and in all the multiplicity of hidden tasks unknown to us.
In these strange and difficult times we have seen gifts of the Spirit emerging. There have been those who have offered so much in keeping the Lord’s word alive for all of us, not only members of the church here, but by engaging with people in their own homes through the gift of creativity with technology. We have been unable to sing and our musicians have played and sung to us. Safe Space has made it possible for us to be at Church. There is so much to give thanks for the enabling gifts of the Holy Spirit among us.
May the Spirit of the Living God be with us all as we remember and celebrate the dear Lord’s Nativity.