Other Activities

Opportunities for getting together to share a common interest whilst enjoying friendship and fellowship.

St Luke's Lunches

Offering friendship and fellowship over a meal together, for over 60s.

Transport provided on alternate Mondays. For more information contact Earnest Batty on 230 4911.

Reading Group

Held every couple of months or so in the evening. An opportunity to meet and discuss a previously selected book. Click here to find out about our current book and the date of our next meeting.

For more information contact Shelagh Dixon.

Poetry Circle

Every couple of months or so on Sunday afternoons. If you like reading or listening to poetry (and, if you write, bring it along!).

For more information contact Stuart Trickey.

St Luke’s Ramblers

Fairly easy going 3-4 mile walks arranged periodically and usually with a cafe or coffee shop within easy reach of the finishing line!

For more information contact Alan & Lesley Combe.

10–11.30am / 1st & 3rd thursdays

Knit & Natter

The 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 10-11:30am at St Luke’s Church. Beginners to advanced, meet other knitters, chat and bring your own project or join us in knitting for needy babies in Sheffield.

For more information contact Sue Prestwood.