
10am, sunday, WEEKLY

Sunday Morning Worship

The 10am is a fun and informal service. Music is contemporary in style and led by our band. The service is suitable for all ages and there is provision for children. Holy Communion is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month.

4PM, 1st and 3rd SUNDAYS

Holy Communion

The 4pm is a liturgical service. Music is traditional in style and led by the organ and choir. Holy communion is celebrated monthly.


Messy Church

Messy Church is a fun, interactive event for families. It starts in the Lounge with a variety of crafts, activities and games. These are followed by a short, relaxed, child-friendly service. We then finish with a two-course family meal.

6.30PM, 1st and 3rd sundays


The 6.30pm is a relaxed and informal, cafe style service. Music is acoustic in style and led by one or two musicians. The service is designed for young people and is suitable for young people and adults.