Celebration of Birthdays – Thought for the Week by Gail Ashton

Today is our 3rd Son’s birthday, he is 24. He was born on Pentecost Sunday 1997. Currently he is awaiting the imminent arrival of his first child; our first Grandchild and I am wondering if the arrival will be the 23rd of May Pentecost Sunday 2021. Born not on the same day but sharing another birthday – the Birthday of the Church.

You can find out what happened on the first Birthday of the Church, in Acts 2. Jesus had told the Disciples; ‘Do not to leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my Father promised.’ That gift of course was the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit came in great power and changed things, not least Peter who began to speak boldly, we are told that ‘about three thousand were added to their number that day.’

As a church we have seen many changes especially through this last twelve months plus and we will be facing more changes in June when Rev Chris and Mandy move on to their new challenges. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks for all they have done here as leaders.

Change is a little like marmite – you either love it or hate it. Waiting, I guess is seen in the same way.

When the Holy Spirit came on the first Disciples it brought unity. There were people in Jerusalem from many places, but they all heard and understood in their own language.

That understanding brought a question from those in the crowd: ‘What shall we do?’

This may be a time of change and waiting but it does not have to be lacking in understanding and unity. We need to seek God and ask Him; ‘What shall we do?’ So that we are able to wait patiently and accept change gracefully.

At the end of Acts 2 it speaks about how the fellowship of the believers worked together for the good of all their number. Not only was this good for the fellowship it was a great witness to those around.

As we celebrate the Church’s Birthday this coming Sunday let’s be united in making change positive – to embrace what has gone and look forward to new beginnings.

Change can be good and I’m very sure that our lives will change forever once we are Grandparents, I can’t wait!

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