With regret we have decided that, for the safety of all concerned, the church building should be closed for in-person services on Sundays until late February.
But the church is not the building, it is people. We are still here as a church, worshipping and praying and giving support. We encourage you to join our worship online and to continue to support one another in the coming weeks and months.
You can find information on our website at www.slclm.org
Select What’s on and then Notice sheet to find the latest links to online services, dial-a-sermon and other items.
For any enquiry, including requests for us to pray for you, call our office on 0114 2303199 or email office@slclm.org.
We are able to hold funerals.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him (Romans 15)
Peter Armstrong, Hon.Sec. on behalf of the Trustees of St Luke’s church, Lodge Moor